
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

The Thetaris team wishes all of you Merry Christmas and all the best for 2013. 

We would like to thank all our customers and partners for your support, loyalty and feedback and are looking forward - together with you -  to new challenges and ambitious projects in the next year.

See you!
Your Thetaris Team



Thetaris wants to call your attention to a new player in the financial software business we're very excited about: OpenGamma. Already recognized as a "firm of the future" by Risk Magazine, OpenGamma and its unified system for front-office and risk calculations is the latest buzz in the financial services industry. Especially interesting for our customers are its portfolio and the market data management capabilities.

The platform software is based on modern design principles and gets delivered as open source - notwithstanding full commercial support. Custom commercial components are also available and the platform's openness fosters integration with and extension by specialized data or technology providers. As such OpenGamma is a perfect match for Thetaris and its cutting-edge technologies and financial know-how.

A prototype for ThetaML integration with OpenGamma is already complete. We like the professional yet open mindset of the OpenGamma folks. As a matter of fact, we've already made first contributions back to the platform's official GitHub repository. We think the financial community can benefit a lot by joining up to improve this standards-based platform and create even better solutions for customers. 


Theta Suite - The Financial Simulation Tool - Free for Academics

Thetaris provides academic users free access to our Monte-Carlo simulation software - Theta Suite, together with full technical support. By offering a free academic license we want you and your colleagues to enjoy all the benefits which so far only industry practitioners have experienced.

Theta Suite comes in two versions: Theta Suite XL is a stand-alone version which allows you to perform simulations in Excel in a brand new fashion. Theta Suite Professional on the other hand is deeply integrated into Matlab, so one could call it the Monte-Carlo toolbox for Matlab. So if you already use Matlab in your academic work, this could be your version of choice.


PRMIA Event on Discounting after the Financial Crisis

The PRIMIA Munich Chapter invited its community to a meeting with Dr. Roland Stamm, Deutsche Pfandbriefbank, and his talk about the "Discounting and Curve Construction Since the Beginning of Financial Crisis 2007" on the 18th of October 2012.

In the aftermath of the financial crisis one major pillar of financial engineering and risk-free pricing has disappeared: Interest rates for lending and borrowing money can no longer be assumed to be more or less equal. When spreads between lending and borrowing widened after 2007, financial engineers realized they had to look for new approaches to product pricing.

Even relatively simple products like basis swaps turned into a big challenge. Before the crisis, swaps could be priced very objectively from a known interest rate curve. After the crisis counter party risks started to play a major role. This not only affects the valuation of hedging instruments but also the valuation of collateral that nowadays has to be provided and actively updated during a product's life cycle.

Trading swaps between banks also has become a problem. Very often it is simply not possible to agree on one price. Financial engineers are just starting to establish theories to cope with this complicated world. Before the crisis structured products were challenging. Now, simple products can pose an even bigger challenge.


Eclipse Finance Day & Eclipse Con

Eclipse has grown from a simple open source Java development environment into a platform for large-scale enterprise applications. The Eclipse Finance Day on Oct. 16th in Zurich showed impressive examples of recent developments and usage of eclipse technology in financial institutions. Eclipse Con on Oct. 23rd in Ludwigsburg will be the next opportunity for exchanging experiences and ideas.


Get your free ebook copy of "ThetaML Handbook"

Stefan Dirnstorfer, Andreas J. Grau and Hongzhu Li present a comprehensive introduction into the language for financial modelling "ThetaML" - the handbook is now available as a free pdf-download.

Clownfish on ThetaML Handbook Cover
Please follow the link http://www.thetaris.com/support/download-of-handbook and just download the E-book (pdf-file). 

Content: Besides a brief introduction into Theta Suite, this handbook serves a complete reference on ThetaML. The book starts with a summary of the language features, followed by a chapter on ThetaML language syntax. The ThetaML type system, interfaces and workflows are detailed in later chapters. There are many code examples to help understand the language commands and functions. Two tutorials further apply ThetaML to pricing and hedging financial contracts, especially options. The final chapter offers many tips and tricks for more efficient use of ThetaML in financial settings. All examples are ready for testing and evaluation in Theta Suite using MC Simulation


Simple and transparent usage of Monte-Carlo simulations in Excel

Thetaris releases Theta Suite XL, an innovative Monte-Carlo toolbox for Microsoft Excel

Thetaris, a world-leading provider of modeling solutions for the financial sector, supports Excel analyses based on the Monte-Carlo simulation method with its new solution Theta Suite XL. Typical weak areas of Microsoft Excel like low performance and usability during the calculation of a large number of scenarios no longer pose a problem: Theta Suite XL defines the original simulation model outside of Excel, using the simple coding language ThetaML, which has been developed especially for Monte-Carlo simulations. Via the so-called Excel-Bridge, an Excel add-in, models can be configured and evaluated outside Microsoft Excel.


Thetaris at MATLAB Computational Finance Conference

Thetaris presented ThetaSuite at the MATLAB Computational Finance Conference in London 

19 - 20 June 2012

“An interested audience, intensive talks with customers and developers of Mathworks and a very positive feedback on our product presentations”, resumed Dr. Andreas Grau the two exhibition days at the MATLAB CF Conference.
Dr. Stefan Dirnstorfer at the Thetaris booth


Thetaris at MATLAB Computational Finance Conference

Thetaris at the MATLAB  Computational Finance Conference
in London

19 – 20 June 2012

Thetaris will join the MATLAB Computational Finance Conference as one of seven exhibitors taking place in London from 19 to 20 June 2012.

As Thetaris uses MATLAB®’s power and flexibility to build tailored solutions for finance professionals the MATLAB Computational Finance Conference in London is an ideal event for demonstrating how Thetaris customizes MATLAB enabling quants and actuaries to obtain an efficient workplace which realizes computer aided finance - from prototyping to production. A good overview about this approach shows our publication Theta Suite – RiskManager Solution for Asset Manager

The MATLAB Computational Conference is strongly focused on the usage of MATLAB® to develop risk, trading, investment management and insurance applications. Keynote speeches, customer presentations and Master class tutorials will underline this approach.



Thetaris article is cover story of German finance magazine RISIKO MANAGER Issue 11/2012

The article „Markt-Risikomanagement für  Asset Manager“, written by Dr. Andreas Grau, CEO and Dr. Stefan Dirnstorfer – COO of the Thetaris GmbH  - is the main topic of the actual RISIKO MANAGER issue 11.2012 (www.risiko-manager.com).

The article describes the basic necessity of professional risk management not only for investment banking but also in the area of asset management.  Furthermore it points out that the investment in a solid and mature risk management solution is cheaper and easier to implement than public opinion suggests. At the end the user – specifically a asset manager – will eventually not recognize that he is still working with his used calculation tool.

Please find an extract of the article online here  - the complete article can be ordered in written form on the RISIKO MANAGER website


ThetaML Handbook available now in print!

Stefan Dirnstorfer, Andreas J. Grau and Hongzhu Li present a comprehensive introduction into the language for financial modelling, ThetaML: "ThetaML Handbook" has arrived in stores:

Clownfish on ThetaML Handbook Cover

If you are a customer with a valid Theta Suite license, you will receive your complementary copy in a few days.

For purchase see your local book store, or e.g.


Besides a brief introduction into Theta Suite, this handbook serves a complete reference on ThetaML. The book starts with a summary of the language features, followed by a chapter on ThetaML language syntax. The ThetaML type system, interfaces and workflows are detailed in later chapters. There are many code examples to help understand the language commands and functions. Two tutorials further apply ThetaML to pricing and hedging financial contracts, especially options. The final chapter offers many tips and tricks for more efficient use of ThetaML in financial settings. All examples are ready for testing and evaluation in Theta Suite using MC Simulation.


Risk Managment: Investment Bank Solution for Asset Manager

Maintainable, transparent models replace in-house development based on Excel-VBA

Thetaris, a world-leading provider of modeling solutions for the financial sector, releases Theta Suite Portfolio Market Risk Management. This novel risk management software solution offers asset managers and small to medium sized insurance companies the flexibility and performance which so far has only been achieved with applications tailored to major financial institutions. 


Presentation: PRMIA Workshop on Variable Annuities

Great Success for the Workshop on Variable Annuities

Thank you for the large interest! The PRMIA (Professional Risk Managers' International Association) Munich Chapter meeting, took place on the 3rd of April 2012 and has been organized by Thetaris. Variable Annuities (VAs) and their importance in the area of research and industry – this was one interesting and suspenseful aspect of the 3 presentations. After lively discussions with the three competent speakers most of participants took the opportunity to intensify the exchange of ideas and opinions during the following get together.
Janos Benk explaining the ThetaML based PDE solver FITOB


Free Workshop on Variable Annuities

-- 3rd of April 2012, 6:00 pm 

PRMIA Munich Chapter Meeting 

Workshop on Variable Annuities 

Rilano Hotel Munich
Dear Business Partners,

It is our pleasure to invite you to the above PRMIA Chapter Meeting, which is sponsored this time by the Thetaris GmbH. The Professional Risk Managers' International Association (PRMIA) is a non-profit professional association with more than 80,000 members in 205 countries (www.primia.org).

We are pleased to present you experienced speakers, which will refer about the VA’s on the angle of research and industry. The following agenda is planed:

Welcome note PRMIA, Dominik Dersch and Welcome note by sponsor Thetaris and short introduction on Variable Annuities, Dr. Andreas Grau, CEO Thetaris

A High-Dimensional PDE-Based Approach for Capital Market Guarantees by Stefanie Schraufstetter, TUM

Massive Parallel Solutions of Variable Annuity PDEs by Janos Benk, TUM

How To Price & Hedge Variable Annuities With Unhedgeable Risk by Dr. Stefan Jaschke, Munich Re

Get together and refreshment

The presentation will be held in German.

We look forward to meet you on 3rd of April, 6pm at the
     Rilano Hotel
     Domagkstr. 26, 
     80807 München


Thetaris Theta Proxy XL in c't Magazine 6/2012

There is an article about Theta Proxy XL in the current c't Magazine 06/2012. Theta Proxy XL was added to the heise Software Repository.



Real-Time Spreadsheet Calculations

Software for financial calculations

Thetaris Theta Proxy XL provides high performance computing in MS Excel

Thetaris presents Theta Proxy XL, an Excel Add-in software that accelerates the performance of complex Excel functions, such as user-defined functions (UDF) for Monte-Carlo simulation. This software is targeted at all Excel users for whom fast calculation of formula results is essential. This includes traders at banks and other financial institutions who have to react instantly to price changes and, therefore, need real-time calculations. Theta Proxy XL calculates the values of Excel cells containing, for example, complex financial functions in a fraction of a second.


Thetaris at PRMIA Global Risk Conference

-- May 14-16 --

Marriott Marquis, New York

See you at the first PRMIA Global Risk Conference: A great opportunity for exchange of ideas!


Release of Theta Proxy XL

— February 11th —

Thetaris presents the patented Theta Proxy: Provide your Excel with supercomputing power!

Theta Proxy XL is an easy to install add-in for MS Excel, which allows you to radically accelerate the processing of complex and thus “slow” formulas. Speed-up your MS Excel here!


Thetaris Website Relaunch

Finally, we got a new website!! Visit us now on the main page Thetaris.com AND the brand new dedicated sites for our products Theta Suite and Theta Proxy. Additionally, we launched a website for news, events and - your comments: blog.thetaris.com. Theta Suite allows precise modeling of structured products and pricing using Monte Carlo Simulation. Theta Proxy XL speeds-up MS Excel User Defined Functions (UDF) e.g. for High-Frequency Trading with Low Latency.