All kinds of structured financial products, especially Variable Annuities (VAs), can be described via ThetaML - the programming language for all Thetaris products including Theta Suite.

With the brand new developed Java backend ThetaML Compiler the product development of VAs will be even more simplified. Furthermore, existing VAs can easily be migrated in ThetaML, enabling a simplified data flow within server components.
In detail the ThetaML Compiler
- generates standalone Java classes (no Matlab required),
- minimalizes the initialization time,
- no re-compilation after input parameter change and
- supports simplified ThetaML language.
The second component ThetaML for Java developers offers
- full integration into Java IDE,
- full integration into Eclipse Debugging framework,
- convenient JAVA API and
- on the fly code generation.
Both components can be provided as Plug-In for the Java developer enviroment (e.g. Eclipse).
For more information, please follow the link: