
November 12th - PRMIA Event on Managing Systemic Exposure

PRMIA Munich is proud to invite you to a presentation by Dr. Federico Galizia on:

Managing Systemic Exposure

Prior to the financial crisis, exposure to systemic entities had been assumed to be largely risk free. Yet the exposures were not risk free. The losses were catastrophic and set the whole system back in reverse. Today’s systemic entities trade with each other on a collateralized basis and on the assumption that no one is too big to fail. The system has frozen with smaller players paying a high price.

This presentation aims at taking the fear out of the equation and showing how systemic banks could resume activity while managing concentration, counterparty and maturity risk on wholesale markets. We will advocate moving out of ‘risk avoidance’ and back into ‘risk management’. Dr. Galizia will also comment on SIFI exposure limits recently set by the Basel Committee.

For more information regarding venue, speaker and registration please use the following link: