
Theta Suite - The Financial Simulation Tool - Free for Academics

Thetaris provides academic users free access to our Monte-Carlo simulation software - Theta Suite, together with full technical support. By offering a free academic license we want you and your colleagues to enjoy all the benefits which so far only industry practitioners have experienced.

Theta Suite comes in two versions: Theta Suite XL is a stand-alone version which allows you to perform simulations in Excel in a brand new fashion. Theta Suite Professional on the other hand is deeply integrated into Matlab, so one could call it the Monte-Carlo toolbox for Matlab. So if you already use Matlab in your academic work, this could be your version of choice.

Click here for the download: Download Theta Suite  - Academic Version

What can you do with Theta Suite XL / Theta Suite Professional?

You can start with browsing our extensive model and pricing library. Samples include
  • Professional Market Models: Heston Volatility, Merton Jump-Diffusion, Hull-White 1-Factor, Hull-White 2-Factor, Cox-Ingersoll-Ross, Vasicek
  • Complex Products: European-, Asian-, Bermudan-, American-, Barrier-, Basket-, Lookback- Options, Convertible Bonds, Structured Swaps
  • Trading Strategies: CPPI, LETF, Simulation-Based Hedging (Quadratic Hedging), Delta-Gamma Hedge Backtesting
  • Optimization: Stochastic Dynamic Programming for Utility Maximization

After that you should be ready to roll your own.
You can easily configure any Monte-Carlo simulation using the finance specific language ThetaML. With Theta Suite Professional you can also access all models from Matlab and access Matlab from ThetaML.

So, just try out a new way of using Monte-Carlo simulations in your daily work: Get a free academic license of Theta Suite

1 comment:

Hannah Walters said...

The Theta Suite financial simulation tool sounds like an incredible resource for understanding complex financial scenarios. It's fascinating how such tools can simplify intricate concepts. On a related note, when I need to do my law assignment, I look for tools and services that make the process easier and more efficient. Your blog post highlights the importance of using the right resources for success.

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